Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Jam-Packed Weekend

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and headed down to Azusa, CA where our brother Adrian's family lives. We went to see Brittney's school (Lee) track meet. You might think an elementary school track meet sounds boring but its actually pretty exciting watching those little kids push themselves and race around the track. We would make bets on who we thought would win. Brittney's event was the softball throw (shotput but for elementary school kids). The meet was held at Azusa Pacific University. It was great to be with family :)

You really can't tell but Brittney is the tiny dot in red and about to throw the ball.

Mommy and daughter (Arlene and Britt), sitting in the stands.

Uncle Jesse, Britt, and Adrian

In case you couldn't tell, it was freezing cold that day. We actually checked the weather in Logan, UT and it was 73 degrees that day. Santa Clarita (where we live) was only 58 degrees, and Azusa was 63 degrees. Logan actually had us beat!!

After spending time with family, we went to visit one of my favorite people, Mark! We drove down to Carlsbad and had a wonderful time just hanging out. Mark has a gorgeous apartment located just a couple blocks from the beach. We went to the beach there and I recognized the spot immediately. It was where we had held our Parkinson family reunion right there. Crazy! Anyway, traditionally whenever I see Mark I make him play some songs for us. This is him jamming at his place. If you look right above his head there is a loft that you can climb up to and look down at the beautiful view. Next picture will show me peeking down from this very spot.

Very cool spot. I think next time I'll bring a sleeping bag and sleep up there. I just have to remember not to roll over and fall off. Its quite the drop down from there.

Our next big event was the Angels baseball game. Mom had a couple tickets she couldn't use so Jesse and I got to go to the game. Personally, I did not even know there was a team called the Angels in LA but I guess it makes sense.... Los Angeles, Angels. This picture is of the sweet suites across the stadium. They have hot tubs and a beach I guess you can pay a lot of money to watch the game from. You can see the water shooting up sky high. Pretty suite!

Good thing Jesse told me to wear red. We fit right in.

A pro ball pitcher throwing the ball. I'm sure if Jesse were typing this he would know his name. Sorry.

This is the view from our seats away up top! I like how they made the lines in the grass. Oh yeah, the Angels lost. I decided if you want a baseball team to win, don't invite me. I have been to a total of 6 baseball games in my life and I have never seen my team win. Its a curse. It was a close game though. We thought they'd pull through at the end but no such luck. The Seattle somethings won.


Kandi said...

seems like you guys had a blast. good times good times!

Lindsey said...

I love your short hair!! and of course logan beat you...we always win:) Logan however does miss your sweet face:) and i do too

Kristy said...

Really, you have never heard or the Los Angeles, Angels!? You make me laugh ;)

Lindsey said...

the arrows are just me goofing around in photoshop....trying to make those pics look a little bit better:)

Andrew Cardon said...

Wow looks like a fun weekend!