Saturday, April 5, 2008

What A Mighty Good Man!

1. What is your husband's name? Jesse McAllan Yarger

2. Who eats more? Jesse, for sure

3. Who said I love you first? Jesse said the official words, "I love you,"... but before that I said, "I do, you know." He knew what I meant.

4. Who is taller? Jesse, thank goodness!

5. Who is smarter? Jesse will say me but that's a hard one. I'm better at math and number things, he's much better at writing. We're smart in different ways, which makes us a perfect match!

6. Who is more sensitive? Me

7. Who does the laundry? Jesse

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Usually Jesse

9. Who pays the bills? Me

10. Who cooks more? Jesse

11. What meals do you cook together? cheesecake! does that count as a meal?

12. Who is more stubborn? me

13. Who is the first to admit it when they are wrong? Jesse, cuz I'm stubborn (See #12)

14. Who is more clean? Me

15. Who has more siblings? Me. I have 2 brothers. Jesse has one brother.

16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Probably me most of the time, but we try to keep a nice balance.

17. What do you like to do together? We love to get out and go on dates- go out to eat, a movie, go to the beach, pretty much anything is awesome if we're together :)

18. Who eats more sweets? definitely me

19. Guilty pleasures? vacations, we are always wanting to plan travelling adventures but just dream about it usually cuz we're poor. :(

20. How did you meet? He was friends with a girl I rented a room to at my house in Logan.

21. Who asked who out first? Jesse did, lots of times :) I eventually gave in.

22. Who kissed who first? Jesse kissed me first. He said it was the first time he had been the one to make the move, usually he makes the girl kiss him first. I was stubborn though, I told him I'd never be the first one to make a move.

23. Who proposed? Jesse :)

24. Best features? Jesse has the coolest eyes I've ever seen. Also he has great hair, and an adorable smile :)

25. What is his best quality? He is an AMAZING husband! He is very loving and thoughtful. He gets along with everyone and is very hard working.

TAGGED by Lindi

I TAG- Kristy, Erka, Wendy, Lindy, Kandi


Kristy said...

I love reading quizzes like that one because you get answers to questions you never thought to ask!

I actually did this quiz, or one really similar to it last year in November. So I'm not ignoring your tag :) I just already have it posted under the title "You or Your Man".