Friday, April 11, 2008

My New Do!

Many of you may have noticed that there is something different about me, but maybe you can't quite put your finger on what exactly it is. For all of you who have been losing sleep trying to figure out what it could be... did I lose some weight?, try Botox treatment?, get colored contacts?, get a chin implant?.... I am going to end your puzzlement now so you can sleep again. I had about an entire foot (that's 12 inches, not the thing with 5 toes) cut off my hair! I have been wanting to cut my hair for a long time now, but wanted to grow it out until I was married so I could have my dream hairdo for my wedding. Now I am a married woman so I am all grown up and sophisticated so I got the new do to prove it! I really loved my next door neighbor, Cherie's hair so I asked her who cuts her hair. She referred me to a girl named Tessa at the salon called Della Stella (cool name). She did a fabulous job and I love it! I decided to donate it to locks of love so now I can make someone else happy and I get to spend less time drying my hair! Its a win win.

See? I'm so sophisticated and mature now :) Jesse took a bunch of pictures of me as I was posing and hamming it up for the camera.

And here is a shot of what the back looks like.

I think its even shorter than Jesse's hair in some places...


My head felt so light I had to try a hat on to add some weight back to my head. I'm worried my neck muscles might start to weaken now.

And how do you do?

Yup, this is me all growed up and mature and sophisticated-like!!!


Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Very Cute! I know how nice it is to rid yourself of so much hair...locks of love is awesome! You look fabulous my dear!