Friday, April 18, 2008

A Day at the Beach

In light of our most recent mishap, we decided to take a day to ourselves to reflect on our lives as one thus far. Thursday, after an appointment with our OBGYN and a blood test for Alicia, we headed down to Malibu to go to one of the more secluded beaches. As we laid in the sand, we thought about how much we had been blessed in our relationship with wonderful, supporting parents, friends and the rest of our family.

What a strange looking character!

She is adorable in this picture!

While at the beach, we met an interesting fellow (shown above). He was nice at first, approaching us and making small talk. However, we questioned his motives when we spotted him eyeing the bread we had brought for our sandwich lunches. Our suspicions were comfirmed when Jesse confronted him about his motives because he spread his wings and off he went. We never saw him again, but we did see much of his relatives.

Closer. . . . . .

Closer. . . . . . . . .


Before Alicia's powerful, non-girly throw

After. . . Incredible

We counted 947 birds total, 689 seaguls, 258 pelicans.

Alicia's wings didn't work today.

We felt bad about not giving Dodo bread so Jesse tried to feed him and his family but they all flew away.

Stupid Dodo

On a more serious note, we decided that other than the upsetting events of the morning and night previous, we had the perfect day. It was the perfect way to regroup after experiencing this difficult juncture in our young lives as a couple. We want to give out a special thanks to those friends and family members who have helped us through this difficult time.


Andrew Cardon said...

We just wanted to let you know that we feel for you and we want to wish you the best of luck with your future tries.

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...
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Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

So sorry for your loss, but I'm so happy that you are optimistic and understand the grand scheme of things! What a blessing! I am so glad you took the moment to reflect, and appreciate life (even if you were being stalked for your bread!) Hang in there and keep your spirits up! Love ya!

Erka said...

You guys are such a cool couple!
You should come visit us in Seattle if you get a chance!

Kandi said...

I'm sooooo sorry to hear about your tragedy. I know it must be very difficult for the both of you, especially on the heels of other difficult situations. But you have each other and a lot of love between you two. I already know that you guys will pull thru this and we will all be cheering and celebrating your new family additions in the near future. Happy baby making! LOL. Big Huge Hugs to the both of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear... I hope you're feeling better- physically and mentally. I've been there before- maybe next time will be the charm! Love ya!

Kristy said...

What a nice day, I'm so glad you two are doing alright.