Friday, April 18, 2008

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. -Romans 12:12

We wanted to say thank you to all of our friends and family who have been so happy for us during the pregnancy. This posting is not as happy as the previous two, but we are coping and feel very blessed to have such a strong support team behind us.

On Wednesday night I came home from work feeling very nauseous. I decided to take a quick shower since the water heater was finally working again. While in the shower I looked down and noticed a lot of blood in the water and knew I was going to faint so quickly I got out and laid on the floor. After waking up from a brief fainting spell I once again saw the blood and called Jesse who was just finishing football practice and wasn't at home. Just then, the doorbell rang and it was a couple of girls from church (visiting teachers) stopping by to say hi. I shouted downstairs that I would just be a minute and I threw on some sweats to go down and visit with them. Shortly after they arrived, Jesse came running at lightning speed up the walkway and rushed through the door to find me sitting in the living room talking with a couple girls. I think he was confused because just 15 minutes prior he received the panicked phone call from me. We sat and chatted for a little bit and as soon as they left I ran back upstairs and started to cry because I knew we had lost the baby. Jesse was so loving and patient with me as I cried it out. I started to have severe abdominal pains and the bleeding continued. Jesse called the doctor to see what we needed to do. He called us back and said for us to come in first thing the next morning and he would do another ultrasound but he did confirm that it was very likely I had miscarried.

The next morning we again arrived at the doctor's office, this time in not such high spirits. The ultrasound did not show our baby anymore, just the remains as my body was trying to flush the system. We are very fortunate to have an extremely caring and knowledgable doctor. He did an excellent job of calming my nerves and making me feel hopeful again. We found out that 99% of the time a pregnancy is unwillfully terminated it is due to a chromosomal defect, and it was determined at the time of conception that the body would abort the baby. This lifted some of the guilt I was feeling. I kept thinking that i hadn't been eating healthy enough or enough food because I had missed lunch that day. He said that he sees about 3 or 4 miscarriages a DAY at his office and it is extremely common so I should not be concerned. The good news is that we know I can get pregnant so we just need to be patient that the next one will stick.

We are still grieving our loss, but this has brought us closer together and we are going to keep trying after my body has had time to heal. Thanks again for everyone's love and the many prayers said on our behalf. We are hopeful that we'll have a successful pregnancy the next time around.


Lindsey said...

I love you and you are in my prayers!! Keep up the good spirits and keep practicing!! I love you and I am so sorry for your loss; but just remember, everything happens for a reason and little Lindsey Jr will come again soon! LOVE YOU!

Erka said...

Ali, I am so sorry! :(
I hope you start feeling better soon! The doctor was right, early miscarriages are a nature's way of taking care of things... I will be praying that you will find comfort and that soon you will be blessed with a healthy pregnancy!I am glad you have a great husband to stand by your side always! Isn't being married so much better, especially through these hard times?!