Sunday, April 13, 2008

What is the due date?

We have been getting a lot of inquiries asking how far along the mommy is. You can click on the poem below and I think you'll be able to figure out the due date. I was out the other night catching up with some of my old girlfriends and when I came home my amazing husband had cleaned everything and placed this sweet poem on my pillow. It was so sweet it made me cry (I am very emotional right now). I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have married such an incredible guy.

We actually emailed this poem to my parents and that was how we decided to tell them. This was the response we got:

"Very cool! Can't get much more thoughtful or better than that. What is the significance of Dec. 12th, 2008? or is it just a rhyme. Would be something if that date turned out to be significant. Then Jesse would be not only be a poet but a seer also. Thanks for sharing. I love getting emails or other forms of communication as you know. Jared and I just got off birthday cards to Adrian and Arleen and when we got home in the mailbox were cards from them to Jared! Glad to get it done. Since Jared was in a hurry I did not get the Ramya address yet or deposit the $50 but maybe tomorrow. Luv, MOM"

(hope its ok that we posted your email mom, its just so funny)

Mom and dad say they suspected the news but didin't want to say anything and be wrong. Hmmm....


Kristy said...

YAYYYYYY!!! Congratulations!!! I am beyond excited for you guys! You are gonna have one cute little family!

Kandi said...

The poem was sooooooo adorable and how funny that your parents didn't say anything..... not believing that they picked up what you guys were putting down! Congrats again. You two will make beautiful children I'm sure! It was soooooooo much fun catching up and hanging out. We Definitely should do that again!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You'll love being a little mommy and daddy! You guys are so stinkin' cute! Hope things go well for you Alicia!