Friday, April 11, 2008

Sunday with the Larges/ Rissers

This past Sunday (April 6th) I went over to the Larges to watch General Conference for church. I love it when I get to stay in my comfy clothes for church. All the boys in the Large family had taken a trip to Utah so Nancee was there with Kristy's family. She invited Jesse and I over to eat and enjoy eachothers company. I always love eating at Nancee's because she makes healthy food that is delicious! Jesse had to work so he missed some of the excitement.

When I arrived at the Larges', Jeremy had a ladder leaning up against the roof and was wearing a mask over his face. Nancee had a trenchcoat on and a shower cap on her head. I wish I would've had my camera with me at the time but I didn't. Nyah had been playing upstairs and noticed bees coming through the light socket in Brit's bedroom. Apparently a swarm of bees was trying to make the Larges' home their own home. Jeremy took the bee killer and we think he got most of them. That was the first excitement of the day.

(See the Large Family blog for pictures, you'll get a good laugh)

Next, we are all sitting in the family room watching conference, when Jeremy feels something on his foot. We lifted up the footstool and there is the tiniest, cutest little mouse you've ever seen! It ran in to the dining room so Jeremy and I cornered it with washcloths. I gently placed a cloth over the little guy and picked him (or her) up. I carried the little mousey outside and we watched it scurry around until it found a hiding place in a little plant by the pool. It was soooo cute, it made me want a little mousey.

Nyah and Sade made a fort in the living room so they were showing Jesse and just acting silly. I took a few shots on my phone since I'd forgotten my camera...

All the kids having a good time! They kept trying to tickle eachother but when they would tickle Jesse it was more of just touching him lightly and running off then doing it again.

And after all the silliness died down I think these two were beginning to get a bit tired! Time for a nice Sunday nap :)


Kristy said...

That was such a nice day! I want a cute little mouse too; not like the ones living in our walls from time to time!