Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Exciting Announcement...

In case you've heard the rumors, yes they are true! We are very excited to be adding a little baby to our new family. This is a picture of what he/she looks like right now. Very adorable, we know! We couldn't be happier :)


Lindy Salmon said...

CONGRATS! He/she looks EXACTLY like Alicia!

Erka said...

Congratulations!!!! I am happy for you guys! When do you find out if it's a boy or a girl?

Andrew Cardon said...

Wow Congratulations!!! The letter was very cute as well.

The Rapp Family said...

Yeah!! Congratulations. We are so excited for you guys. How far along are you and how is Alicia feeling??? Send us all the details. If you need pregnancy support I'm here for you.

Lindi said...

Way to go!! i am happy for your guys. Glad you posted some pictures of the baby. Great shot!!

Melanie said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting. Good luck through it all:)