Friday, April 18, 2008

Go Saugus III

Church softball started and Jesse gets to play every Saturday and I get to be his biggest fan! This past weekend was a double hitter and both games were surprisingly exciting to watch! Our team won by 1 point both times! We are the champions!

This is all the guys before the game. It looks like maybe they're praying or something, I'm not sure...

Jesse hits the ball and makes it all the way back home, which means our team won! Way to go my cute husband :) As you can see Jesse is wearing regular tennishoes, not cleats. We didn't even have a glove so we ran to Big 5 Sporting Goods right before the game to buy one. Maybe next paycheck we can afford some cleats...

Standing on third, ready to run...

Another action shot, just before he whacks the ball! I'm so proud :)