Monday, May 5, 2008

Have a Magic Day!

Since Jesse hit his 100 hour mark as a proud employee of Six Flags Magic Mountain, he got a free buddy pass which means he now gets to take a guest with him for free whenever he wants. Of course, he picked his wife! We thought it would be a nice free date for a Saturday evening. After the softball game against Saugus IInd (which we won't get into, its a sore subject), we hurried off to Six Flags to have our Magic day!

Haha this is an awesome picture. It was taken while moving on Revolution. It looks like Jesse has little firey devil horns coming out the side of his head...

In line at Viper. We actually got really lucky because we didn't really have to wait in line at all. Everyone kept asking us if we wanted to cut. I think Jesse must've winked at them or something.

When posing for these pics we used my red sweater as our Superman cape. The real Superman must've been pretty well off to afford such a fancy-pants costume.

just before he flies away....

up, up and away!

Sitting in Batman the ride. This was our favorite :)

I'm pretty sure this isn't the real Batman and Robin but Jesse explained to me that while they are off fighting crime they have to hire stand-ins to pose for pictures. Makes sense. He's so smart.

This was taken right before I almost had my heart attack. I noticed when we were walking back to the car that my iPhone was no longer in my back pocket. My heart plummeted and I started freaking out. We backtracked to see if anyone had found the phone. Luck was with us on our magic day because the first place we checked (Colossus), the girl who worked on the ride said she had found an iPhone. Yay! I was so happy :) After that we were starving and had a wonderful meal at Marie Calendars. It was a fabulous date!


Kandi said...

That sounds like so much fun. Glad to hear that you found your iphone! whew. And its a good thing that Jesse is so smart about those superheros!

Lindi said...

Fun Fun Fun!! i really liked the lightening bolt coming from Jesse's head. What a blast!you guys take some great pictures

Erka said...

How fun! I am so glad you found your iPhone! I would have had a heart attack too if I lost it!
It's so nice that you guys keep going on dates and stuff! Things like this sure help keep the romance alive in a marriage! :)

Kristy said...

I really like your Superman costume, where can I get one of those fancy capes?!
I'm so glad you had such a fun date :)

Andrew Cardon said...

Wow looks like like fun! Magic mountain is a fun park. Good thing you found your iphone that would have sucked to have lost it!

Lindsey said...

I always knew you had a little superman inside of look great in your superman get up.....thank goodness you found your phone. Talk about the worst feeling ever. Phew. Glad you had fun.

The Rapp Family said...

You guys do the funnest things ever!! I am glad you are enjoying each other so much!!!