Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It doesn't get much hotter than this!

The past several days have been unbearably hot out here. We have had to endure a heatwave in which temperatures have been over 100 degrees. Jesse has to work standing in the sun in long black pants and a white shirt and tie. I don't know how he does it. We have no air conditioning where we are staying right now so we've tried everything to keep cool at night. We have 2 fans going and we get up and take a cold shower in the night to make it through. Finally, after several sleepless nights we decided we would just sleep outside instead of die of heatstroke. We brought a blanket and picked a nice spot under the stars, in the grassy cul de sac on our street. This seemed like a fantastic idea until at about 12:30 am the sprinklers went off and we awoke to a startling cold spray of water! Oh well, at least we got a good hour or so in of sleep. Last night our good friend Nancee called and let us know we could sleep at their place until the heat wave passed so we are very grateful for our kind friends and for the air conditioning they provided for us. We finally had a good night's sleep :) Zzzzzzz........


Kandi said...

Oh this heat wave is the worst. I'll be posting today about our weekend at the bluegrass festival in the heat. Oh dear. Good luck with the sleep. Too funny about sleeping under the stars....er, I mean sprinklers!

Kristy said...

Unfortunately this is really nothing, summer hasn't even really begun. :(
You might want to get one of those singles room air conditioning units, (I think they have them at Costco right now)so you have a cool place to retreat to.
Sleeping on the grass under the stars sounds fun! Jeremy and I slept on our balcony once when we were too poor to run our ac. I love those kind of memories :)

Lindi said...

In NorCal we just finished the heat wave and it was bad. Way to fight through it. It's a good thing they are usually short and don't happen that often.

Aimee Cardon said...

Oh that heat sound awful! I honestly feel sorry for you guys I can't stand trying to sleep when it is super hot. DC luckily has not gotten that hot yet but I know we will get our share of the heat once it really becomes summer! Hopefully you guys find some way get AC.