Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a blast this Memorial Day Weekend. Our parents came all the way from Utah for a special visit!! They stayed with the Large family for a few days so we got to spend time with them as well. We made sure we made it to the beach of course....

Jesse and dad at the Channel Islands pier

Jesse made a lovely necklace out of the seaweed washed up on shore. Gotta love that salty smell!

What adorable parents.

The waves weren't very big, as you can see in the background. That's ok, we didn't do any surfing this time around... too cold!

I'm not sure why that sign behind them says, "Restricted, Keep Out"... nobody seemed to pay attention to it.

My beach bum dad

Mother daughter shot

Can you tell we're related? We both get cold so easily. Brrr...

And of course we gotta include one of the happy couple!

The Large Family had everyone over for dinner so we pulled out the extra table leaves and assembled the Large table. Next shot you can see just how Large the table ended up being....

The table all set, ready to seat 14! Mmmm, those poppy seed muffins were delicious!

Alicia and her half asleep husband. He liked this picture, even with his eyes closed so up it goes on the blog :)

BFF Nancee and Gayle; still friends after all these years...
Nancee was the chef for the fabulous meal.

Wow! The landscaping in this yard is amazing! They must have an incredible, hard-working landscaper (one of Jesse's jobs is taking care of the Large's yard). This is our family standing in the Large's backyard.

These are all the partakers of the yummy Sabbath feast!

Aubrey, Nate, Jesse (my handsome husband), Gayle, Nancee

The Risser Family: Nyah, Sade, Jeremy, and Kristy :) So cute!

I have a special place in my heart for Sade because she smiles for the camera the same way I did when I was little. Its so funny! She is just plain adorable.

Uncle Nate with Nyah and Sade. What fun!

This picture was taken in the church building my dad used to be Bishop in. This was in the hall after church in the Saugus III Ward. Mom and Lark Lungren are getting caught up on all the latest...


Kandi said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. I don't ever swim in Cal. ocean. WAY too cold. 14 people?!?! Wowzers!