Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jesse and Alicia's Utah Rap

So Jesse was bored one day in his English class and decided to start writing the lyrics for a rap as a creative outlet. He came home quite excited to show me his "Utah Rap." As we drove on our trip to visit Utah, we decided to add a few finishing lines together and, wallah! The results can be seen in the video below. This shows Jesse performing his rap. I also typed up the lyrics below, so you can read along. Its quite clever, I must admit we got a good laugh out of this.

Hey, my name's Jesse and I'm from da hood,
That's right, L-town Utah, so you know dis'll be good.
I'm a white, white rapper tryin to get on da map,
I say things like heck ya, yes please, and crack is whack.
Yeah, got married at 19, want kids by 21,
Prolly end up with 12 daughters, 3 dogs, and 9 sons.
I shop at Sam's Club, buy lots for cheap,
And my everyday language doesn't sound like beep bleepity beep.
I play with the basketball, but I ain't a baller,
I love my family so everyday I give em a hollar.
One minute its hot, the next its stormin,
And I think LSD is a dislexic Mormon.
In a town so safe its weird to possess a knife,
I am a little outside the norm, cuz I only got one wife.
I eat my jello green, not yellow, red, or blue,
My alcohol of choice... well, its Mountain Dew.
When the family takes a trip they pile in the SUV,
Oh yeah, and 2 cars, plus a van that's mini.
Round here, all the meals come with fry sauce,
That's right, ketchup mayo blend- all included in da cost.
We're always late, but never in a hurry,
And if I say dang, its on the verge of dirty.
You think you can sing? Well we know we're betta,
We got the Mo-Tab, and homeboy David Archuleta.
So what if I'm a little behind on my style,
I got Deseret Industries on my speed dial.
Don't watch rated R, but wanna see the Matrix?
Its ok, you can get it edited at Flix.
Exactly 106% of Utahns vote Republican,
And when there's a special event, we use the good spray tan.
Our state's so rich, but there's one thing we lack,
Look around..... do you see anyone who's black?


Erka said...

Soooo funny! You guys are talented! Hmmm, you should go to some talent show and perform it. I am sure it would win whatever is the first price!
How was the Utah trip?

Andrew Cardon said...

Wow that is great! I always love Utah rapping.

Kandi said...

you had me at "And I think LSD is a dislexic Mormon." *LOLOL* Awesome.

Lindi said...

That is awesome!!! Must have been a long, but fun drive

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Totally awesome! visited Utah and didn't even call??? RUDE!!! Hahaha! Maybe we'll come see you! We might be headed to LA/San Diego area for a few days while Gma and Gpa take kids to Sacramento for 2 weeks!!! Got any good ideas for how 2 old, fat married people can relax and enjoy the quiet? You have a couple of weeks to wow me with your ideas! If we come it would be somewhere in between July 5-18. So get to work...I need a VACATION!!!

Lindsey said...

Tell Jesse he is retarded....but I am still laughing! I love the lyrics! You two are the cutiest nerds i know! Seriously....that white boy can rap.