Monday, June 23, 2008


Just wanted to post an update on the latest going on with us right now. We have been so blessed lately and are very excited about the positive changes taking place in our lives.

First of all, Jesse was just hired at a place called the Behavioral Learning Center, located here in Valencia. This is an in-home service for children with developmental disorders, mainly Autism. Today is Jesse's first day on the job and he gets to go bowling with a couple of boys! I know he is going to do awesome! He had to take a test in order to determine his pay rate and Jesse received one of the highest scores they said they had ever seen on this test (apparently it is quite difficult)! I am so proud, what a smart husband I have :) He will be working here part time while he continues his education. He is very happy because this is quite a raise from his last job at Six Flags, which he no longer works for. Yay!

Also, I applied at the same place because Jesse suggested it and thought I might enjoy it. I am going to training this week so I will try it out part time as well and see how it goes. I am playing with the idea of going back to graduate school in clinical psychology. This would really help out with that, should I decide to apply.

The final good news is that we have moved! We are in a wonderful new place that is CLEAN and we couldn't be happier. This came as an unexpected answer to prayers and we are so so so grateful.


Kristy said...

Yay that is all such good news!!! Especially the moving part, I don't know how you guys lasted there as long as you did (you are braver than me)! I hope the job works out, it sound like something you could be really good at!

Kandi said...

Congrats on all of it! That is so awesome Jesse. And I couldn't be happier for you two to have moved! We will have to get together and celebrate.

ASP+AEP=Parkinson Family said...

Congrats Sis ;)

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Yippee!!! So glad you are in a cleaner environment...and so much fun with new jobs and prospects of school! Hope everything just keeps getting better and guys deserve it!

Andrew Cardon said...

Sounds like good news all the way around! I hope your new place has AC after that heat wave a while ago and the new job(s) work out.

Erka said...

Congrats on the new job and on the move! Moving is actually satisfying when you move into a better place!

Lindsey said...

I am so glad that you have moved! What a relief! post picts of your new place soon!! And congrats on the new employement:) Way to go!

trevor and keesa said...

you just couldn't get away from school huh?! you and liz both, you're crazy....but i'm very proud! i miss you tons, i'm so happy you got a new, CLEAN place!