Thursday, June 12, 2008

More fun photos from our Utah trip!

One of our nights of fun in Utah included making our "Frog in Da House" music video with the Mortensens and the Rapps. We had such a great time catching up with all of them. Alex just returned home from a mission in Thailand and he introduced us to a popular song there. We decided to make our own version of the music video and have London be the star froggie. The completed music video is still to come, so don't fret. We are waiting for the master editor, Travis to finish it. I can't wait!!

So this is London, decked out in her frog ensemble. You may recognize London from the wedding. She was the adorable flower girl.... see below:

What a great sport. London did a fantastic job!

Another exciting part of our Utah trip was my new haircut. My hair seems to grow faster now that it is short. I decided that I'll just try to wait until my Utah visits for my haircuts because it is so much cheaper to get it cut there than in California.

I went by my mom's physical therapy office to show off my new haircut and Tara wanted a shot of us to show how we're "twinners" now. I do love my new cut. Its so much easier to manage.

And here are the lovebirds at our visit to my mom's office.

We had game night with Amy, Travis, Taggart, Bethanie and Tyler, over at our parents' house. We started out playing a card game I can't remember what it was called, but it didn't make any sense to us so we switched to play Apples to Apples. Amy came out the winner, it was a pretty intense game! We had a blast.

Amy and Taggart :)

Hmmm... something's not quite right with this pic. Haha. Can you tell what does not fit in with the rest?


Lindsey said...

Your new do is even more amazing! I love it! You look so classy/hot/iressitable....I could go on, but children may be reading this.

Erka said...

I am glad the trip to Utah was fun! Your niece London is one of the cutest little girls ever! That picture of you and her on your wedding day looked like it came from a magazine!
I absolutely adore your new haircut! I think I want one too now. You are right about wanting to wait til Utah trips for your haircuts. They are a lot cheaper there and I swear they do a better job most of the time too!

Chelsie Sanders said...

your hair is super cute! you look like your enjoying being married. miss you!