Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gyoza with the Browns

Ever since we moved to California Jesse has been telling me that we need to go back for a visit so I can try this delicious gyoza. Spencer Brown served his mission in Japan and learned to make this delicious treat, which Jesse became so fond of. Monday night we were invited over to help in the preparation of the gyoza and to join the Brown Family in devouring the food after. There were quite a few others who joined us, so making the gyoza was no small task. There were probably 12 of us working at once, trying to make the 700 gyoza! No, that is not a typo, we really did make that many.

For those of you who don't know what gyoza is, it is kind of like a dumpling but the Japanese version. It has ground pork, cabbage, and nira chives I think. See below, for image:

Mmmm, yummy, right?
Jesse and I sure thought so. We left there feeling stuffed like a turkey!

Bethanie, Chubbs, Jesse

We ate outside on the porch at the Brown's home. It was a lovely day, not too hot, not too cold :)

The lighting is poor in this one but the food was surely not!

Saranie, Spencer (dad Brown), Jesse

Look how happy Saranie is. She was overjoyed to see Jesse.

Dalton, Chubbs, Jesse- forcing Chubbs to smile. It took some effort.

So cute! Notice Jesse's nice, new shirt I picked out for him. We went shopping on Saturday to buy him some new clothes. I was so pleased with the day, but to Jesse it was the longest day ever. I rewarded him by letting him buy a playstation game for being such a good shopper with me.
You can tell Jesse has been missed while we've been away.
Jesse was trying to get Logan to pose for the picture but he would have none of that!

Oh, wait, looks like Jesse won. I got a shot of the two best buds.

The Browns' grams and gramps with Jesse :)

The Newlyweds themselves...
I don't have any idea how they could jump on a trampoline after eating all that gyoza, but here are Monson and Jesse on the tramp.

Saranie and Jesse jumping.

They were playing dodge ball. Jesse lost.... embarrassing, I know!

And this video will show how Jesse loses to a couple of Brown kids.


Mrs. Kitty said...

Yummm. That's making me hungry. Alicia, you have nice taste in men's clothes. LOL. Glad you guys had a great time!

Lindi said...

I think Jesse needs to practice a little bit more in dodge ball!! I get the whole baby goat thing. I really thought you saw a goat