Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

This year's 4th of July was a blast for us! We spent the day with our new friends: Sandy, Richard, Kim, little Gabe, and LaVelle. We took a drive down the 126 and stopped in Fillmore, CA for a train ride on their historic train. Gabe was so excited to ride on a real train! We then took a break for some delicious food, and then of course ice cream since it was a scorching hot day. They also had a classic car show and we got to see all the pimped out rides. Then we stopped to buy some super sweet fresh oranges on the side of the road. Mmmmm..... :)

Gabe on the train ride

Sandy and her grandson, very cute!

Richard and Sandy, thanks for a fun-filled day!

Ali and her favorite man, on the train ride.

Kim was able to make it all day long pushing Gabe around in his stroller, while 8 months pregnant! Very impressive...

Kim and Gabe in front of the train we got to ride on.

Here is a picture of a professional photographer (Richard)

This old lady actually moved which you can't tell from the pic. We got a good laugh out of her.

At the car show, Ali and LaVelle

Sandy and her mom (LaVelle)

Gabe managed to get more on his exterior than interior I think :)

Ali and Jesse with cute Gabe. Jesse looks great in LaVelle's hat!


Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

how fun! glad you had a great 4th!

trevor and keesa said...

That old lady in the car is hilarious!! I gotta get me one of those:)

Lindsey said...

I had an I miss Alicia moment today. I was looking through old pictures and missed your sweet face!! I was just thinking about when I first met you and you brought me back pants from made me feel like part of the team right off! i had only known you for a week!! I love ya girl and hope all is well!1