Tuesday, July 29, 2008

EARTHQUAKE- and more news....

First off, I have to apologize for my lack of blogging recently. We have been having computer problems, or more accurately, we have been lacking a computer. We still need to hook it up at our new place but no worries, we'll get to work on that eventually. Its on the list.

Next, we just experienced our first EARTHQUAKE! Now we feel like we're true Californians. Nobody needs to worry, it was kind of exciting. The epicenter was around Chino Hills, which is quite a ways from Santa Clarita, maybe a little over an hour from here.

There is a cool website: http://www.usgs.gov/ where you can check out all the latest earthquakes and geographical happenings. Its fun if you're kind of nerdy like me :)

The magnitude was a 5.4. At first I thought maybe I was nauseous because I've been experiencing a LOT of that lately (oh yeah, I'm PREGNANT again, I guess we can tell everyone now) then I saw all the lights moving around above the desks at work so I figured it was more than just my dizziness. I looked around and everyone was frozen wondering what they should do. It was just a short, fun little earthquake. I am still waiting to hear from Jesse as I'm typing this. I wonder what he thought of it, I don't think he's ever been in an earthquake before.

Anyway, that was our excitement of the day :) All is well and we are safe. Maybe we'll get some fun little aftershocks. Gotta go.... more to come!


Mrs. Kitty said...

your PREGNANT???!!! Aaaahh!!! I'm so happy for you guys! How far along are you? When is your due date? Have you seen a doctor yet? Are we playing 20 questions??? lol. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

btw--just email if you want at kandimusic@gmail.com

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Congrats on the baby!!! We'll be sure to keep you in our prayers. Earthquakes are fun when they are far enough away!!! I remember the San Fransisco quake in 1989, we felt it in Sacramento, but we were glad we weren't any closer! Anyway, congrats again and take care of yourself...don't work too hard! :)

Lindi said...

Earthquakes can be fun!! way to go. You just can't leave us all hanging by telling us your pregnant. Fill us in and CONGRATS!

Kristy said...

That's so funny, I had a similar earthquake experience! Sade wanted to show me that she made her bed and was leading me to her room with my eyes closed when the earthquake happened. At first I thought I was just extra dizzy. Isn't pregnancy fun :)