Thursday, July 31, 2008

Look at Me, I'm 10 Weeks Old!!

I got this picture off of They have some really cool pictures of the developing fetus, week by week. It is amazing to me that such a tiny thing can make a person so sick! That is another reason I've been slacking on the blog lately, I just feel so sick all the time its hard to find the energy to do much of anything.

So, here's the story....
I went to the doctor a couple of months ago for a check up and the doctor asked me if there was any chance I was pregnant. I told him it was highly unlikely because I had recently miscarried and we weren't really trying at that time. He offered to check for me, while I was in his office and he went ahead and took the urine sample to determine if in fact I was pregnant. We went back in the waiting room and within 2 minutes he opened the door and said, "I think you should come back here for a minute." He showed me the test results and we almost fell over in shock. At that point I was only 4 weeks, 5 days. Here I was worried I couldn't get pregnant, and wow, I was already pregnant again!

Although we are very excited about the news, we decided to wait longer to tell people this time because we were of course worried that I would miscarry again. We were actually going to wait longer but it just became too difficult to hide due to the fact that I've been extremely sick for over a month now. It seems that I have every pregnancy symptom magnified to the maximum strength possible. I have heard these symptoms usually subside after the first trimester so I'm counting down the days. I had no idea my body could handle being sick for this long.

I am so grateful for my amazing husband, especially at this time. He has become my emotional support, the cook, the housekeeper, the errand runner, and still finds time to work. Somehow I've been making it to work every day but its been a real struggle. I especially have been having a hard time finding foods that I can eat. I feel nauseous from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep and I can't keep most foods down.

So... for all you mothers out there I have a newfound admiration for you. So far pregnancy is not as blissful as I imagined, in fact quite the opposite. If you have any advice on things that have helped with morning sickness, I'm open to any suggestions! Despite my complaining, we are very excited and grateful for this blessing. Oh yeah, and the due date is Feb. 26th, 2009! :)


The Rapp Family said...

Yeah, congratulations!! I was also extremely nauseaus when I was pregnant, to the point where I had to go into outpatient infusion therapy several times to recieve IV fluids because I was so dehydrated and threw up all the time. My Doctor finally put me on a medication called Zofran, that saved my life. It is kind of expensive but was well worth the money for me, as none of the other medications seemed to help. Hang in there, and yeah it usually gets better (of course I was still throwing up into the eighth month).

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

I never had any problems with nausea, but my sister in law did...and she used the sea sickness pressure bands and it saved her. They are like sweat bands on your wrists, but they have a little plastic ball attached that puts pressure on a pressure point on the bottom side of your wrist that eases nausea...Good luck, I hope it really helps, and Congratulations again!

Robert and Kristen said...

Congratulations! Sorry to say it, but I didn't have problems with morning sickness with either of my kids, so I can't offer any advice! I just wanted to congratulate you two!

Lindy Salmon said...

Yea! I am SO glad you are pregnant again. My advice on being sick . . . eat cheerios. Just kidding, but that was the only thing I could manage to eat with Anya. Fortunately things started to look up around 14 weeks. Sleep a lot!

Andrew Cardon said...

Congratulations! Seeing as how I have no experience with pregnancy I won't try to offer any strange remedies but I just wanted to say congratulations!

Erka said...

I am so happy for you!!! And I am sorry you have one of those yucky pregnancies. I was like that too. Zofran works, ask your doctor for it if you keep throwing up. And don't get discouraged if the nausea doesn't get better til 16-17 weeks, or till 7 months in my case. I don't know why, but at 17 weeks I either got used to being sick, or just excited that I could feel the baby move and I just excepted the fact that that's how it was going to be and went with it! So, hang in there and keep telling yourself that you are growing a beautiful and smart little him/her and this is all going to be worth it in the end!
And good job to Jesse, for being such a supportive husband! Ali, that's definitely prove to you that he is going to be a great dad!

mandy said...

With my first I was really nauseous, but not with my other 2 since then. Cinnamon gum saved my life. That sound weird, but it totally worked. I had to try a couple different kinds to find the strongest cinnamon flavor, but it worked. I am not a fan of sugared gum, but Big Red, is very cinnamon, and works really well.

Julie and John said...

Congratulations! We're so happy for you. Being pregnant is really hard (at least for me), but it is completely worth it when you hold the new precious bundle in your arms. Cheerios also worked well for me, but everyone is different.

Kris, Andrea, Lacey, Mia, and Kannon said...


Kristy said...

I am so excited for you guys! I think I've already given you all my advice. Hopefully it is easing up a little by now.
