Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Brittney!

We celebrated Brittney's 11th birthday on Saturday, August 9th in sunny Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Brittney's aunt held the event at her house. Jesse and I had a wonderful time! :)

This was right after the water balloon toss that Jesse and I won! What a team!

Brittney and her cousin

I won a puzzle and Jesse won an airplane that you can catapult in to the air. As soon as Jesse opened the package he shot that baby WAY up up and away... in to the neighbors backyard. The neighbor happened to have a MEAN and LARGE Rottweiler dog. The next half hour was spent devising plans on how we could retrieve Jesse's prize. Next thing I know my brave husband jumps over the wall, grabs the plane, and bounds back over to our side with the ferocious dog at his heels. I was really worried we'd be spending the weekend at the hospital. Everyone thought Jesse was a hero... and a little crazy out of his mind!

Blowing out the candles... birthday wishes!