Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Letters

Read below if you want a good laugh for the day :)
- Thanks Lindi!

***Dear Kobe Bryant:
Seriously? You speak Spanish and Italian? How? Where? Why?

***Dear NBC:
Thank you for showing all two hours and twenty-seven minutes of the women's marathon. I think that is the first time that has happened. Ever. In the entire universe. Yes, I did fast-forward through parts, but I appreciate your effort nonetheless.

***Dear Tyson Gay:
I hurt my hamstring once too, so I know how you feel. Given, I wasn't performing at the Olympics, being an actual contender for a medal ... but I just didn't want you to feel like you were alone ... and clearly you're not because our hamstring injuries are so similar.P.S. I bet you have good come backs when people make fun of your name.

***Dear Usain Bolt:
Things I can do under 9.69 seconds ... Scratch my head, blink my eyes, swallow a piece of gum, and push the scan button in my car. You on the other hand, you ... you jog your way to a WORLD record. Congratulations.P.s. You're tall and you celebrated a little too early.

***Dear Dara Torres:
That was nice of you to wait for the swimmer who had a swimsuit malfunction. You're 41 and have been in 5 Olympics. I don't need to say more.

.***Dear Deana Kastor:
Never in my life have I ever heard more poetic words than what you said before your marathon, "The human body was not meant to run 26.2 miles."

***Dear Michael Phelps:
Michael, Michael, Michael. On behalf of the entire world, I would like to thank you for not shaving your eyebrows to become more aerodynamic. And, I want to add you as a friend on Facebook, but I won't because i heard 7,600 people already did.P.s. You have earned more Olympic gold medals in the past week than every country except the United States, China, Great Britain, and Germany.P.P.S. You are a robot and you were made in the same factory as Shawn White. Both Amazing!


Alicia P. Yarger


Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Hilarious...gotta love it!

Erka said...

That's funny!
Belly pics yet?

Kristy said...

So, you are way overdue on a new post! How are you doing, is your morning sickness done? How are you two?!
