Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saugus III Softball Team

This past Saturday was the championship game for Jesse's softball team. They had 3 games straight, starting at 4:00 pm and ending around 8:30. This was all in the 100 degree weather. They won 2 out of 3 games, taking 2nd place overall. It was an awesome season and gave us something to look forward to every Saturday. What a great team!


Kandi said...

Congrats Jesse! I can't believe you all didn't pass out after the game. Congrats on just surviving! LOL.

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Sounds like you have been having some fun...congrats! Too bad about the heat wave, although our heat wave here only got to about 90. Glad you get to have some fun together, it is so important! Cherish these days when it's just the 2 of you...they are all magical!

Erka said...

Congrats Jesse! I thought Jesse played football! Are there any sports he is not good at?