Thursday, February 24, 2011

Avril Turns 2!!

My baby is not a baby anymore.  I cannot believe its been 2 years already.  Time is seriously in light years now.  Avril has developed in to such a bright, spirited, energetic, independent, adorable little sweetheart of a human being.  I still can't believe I made her (well, Jesse helped I guess) :)

Jesse was so sweet to think of Avril's birthday months in advance.  He noticed that the local Toys R Us was going out of business so he got a steal of a deal on a couple big items for Avril.  They'd been in the trunk of our car for months.  Avril was sooooo excited for her birthday.  She was talking about her birthday party and presents and special cake for days.

On Avril's actual birthday (24th) we celebrated with just our family and opened the presents from dada.  Here are just some sweet pictures of Avril in her dress that Grammy Carme sent for her:

And here she is with her new birthday presents:
Daddy's little girl
Avril with her new drum set.  It took a team effort from both parents to put this thing together.  We're so proud of ourselves.  Now only if they made a silent drum set...

... and her bouncy bounce.  Jesse blew up this entire thing all by himself.  I doubted that he could do it so he had to prove me wrong.
McKel was not amused.  Time for beddy bye.
A couple video clips: