Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its All My Fault...

Avril had her first dentist appointment today.  No cavities.  Everything looks splendiferous... EXCEPT... the dentist says she has a MAJOR overbite and the gap between her teeth has some kind of skin tag between the teeth which means it will be permanent unless they surgically remove the skin tag and proceed with a 2-phase braces/headgear treatment, beginning around age 8.  She will probably need about 4 years of braces altogether, a surgery, and a headgear!  Yikes.
The Dentist asked if Avril sucked her thumb a lot or a binky as a baby.  Nope.  Oh... it must just be bad genes then.  Yup, that's it.
It's all mommy's fault.  I had years and years of braces, a headgear, and a couple of oral surgeries.  The works.  Sorry kids... there's a pretty good chance that braces are in your future.  But if your eyesight is bad... that's all daddy's fault.  Mommy has perfect vision :)

All in all, Avril loved the dentist.  She hated the teeth-cleaning but it was worth it since she got to color with giant crayons and the nice lady there gave her a new toothbrush with monkeys on it, as well as a purple helium-filled balloon!