Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bragging Rights

Today is McKel's 2 month birthday!  She also had her 2 month check up at the doctor... which meant shots :(  So not fun for mommy or baby.  The Doc showed us her stats and said to keep them for bragging rights.  He said McKel is measuring about a month ahead.  I'm not sure if being big is something to brag about but if so, McKel totally takes the cake.  We were sure right about her being a BIG, beautiful baby.  Here are her 2 month stats:

Length:  61.59 cm  (97%)
Weight:  5.58 kgs  (86%)
Head Circumference:  39.75 cm  (76%)

In case you don't believe me:

And here is what McKel looks like at 2 months:
 She just keeps getting cuter!


Rob & Emily Willardson Family said...

What a cutie!! I love chunky babies, I just want to kiss their cheeks!! What a beautiful little family you have!