Monday, February 14, 2011

V Day

Valentine's Day is way more fun when you have kids.  Then you have an excuse to hand make fun Valentine's Day cards, just like back in the days of elementary school.  I got all excited to have Avril and McKel help out.  What?  They're too young you say?  Nonsense.  Well, McKel may be a little young to handle the scissors but that doesn't mean she couldn't help out.  I was inspired by looking at my friend Lindsay's blog (Lindsay, you didn't even know I stole your idea... sorry!) and I decided to make heart shapes out of little footsie-prints.  So fun!  Avril loved having her feet painted pink.  McKel thought it was pretty cool too... at least I think.  Here was the result:

On the back I let Avril do some artwork scribbles and we wrote a nice V Day message of love.  We made some for the grandparents that we delivered as well.

Little did I know that my creative hubby pulled out the lovey dovey paper and glue as well.  Here is the Valentine I found when I walked downstairs:
 I just love my smoochy poo Valentine :)
Oh, and its hard to tell from this pic but I left my lovey a special note on the mirror with soap:
Notice how I am carrying both of my mini Valentine girls.  I am super Mommy!
So my other idea for Val Day was to make a yummy scrumptious fruit pizza from a recipe I found online.  Nothing says I love you like a fruit pizza, right?  Well, here was what happened with my first attempt:
Somehow I don't think this is what was supposed to happen.  Nevertheless, this still tasted scrum-diddly-umptious and got gobbled up very quickly.
And here is my 2nd attempt, the finished product:
Now that's a Valentine you can really sink your teeth in to.  I'm pretty sure the hubby liked it since the entire thing disappeared in a matter of minutes.
My Valentine surprised me with taking the night off of work and treating me to dinner at Cafe Sabor, a fave of mine.  Papa Bryan babysat little Av, and little Mick joined us to dine sleep while we dined.  It was a fabulous love-filled day!


Lindsay said...

I am glad you used the valentine idea! :) Glad I posted it in time! :)