Sunday, February 6, 2011


Last night McKel slept straight from 9:30 pm until 5:00 am. That's 7 1/2 hours! If only I could've enjoyed it properly. Instead I kept getting up to check on her and make sure she was still breathing. I am used to her waking up every 3 hours to nurse. I wonder how long she'll sleep tonight.

Both kids are in bed and I was so excited to do a quickie post and get to bed. However, I got sucked in to blogger world and started looking at fun blogs. Now my mind is racing with thoughts of all these new fun projects I want to do, and cool new things I want to learn how to do. Then I just get discouraged since I can't even finish my current projects with all my mommy duties. Uggh. How do all these other mommies do it? Slowly but surely, I'll figure it out. I'm still getting the hang of this being a mommy of two... two of the sweetest, most adorable precious angels in the whole world. I can't say it enough... I just LOVE my girls :) 

Little Courtney Crockett (just over a week old) and McKel.. 2nd cousins.  She makes McKel look like a giant!  Isn't it cute how they're latching arms?
McKel was so happy to have found a friend somewhat close to her size.
Today I walked in to my room and found this little miss mischief in mommy's make up drawer.  I'm not sure Avril has quite figured out why it's called "lip" stick.  Or else she thinks her lips extend way up onto her cheek.
Avril's so proud of herself for figuring out how to apply make up all by herself.
Today was the Super Bowl.  Packers vs. the Steelers.  We got a special treat!  Shelby came for a visit (now lives in Montana before leaving for the Army) with his friend Skyler.  I really didn't care who won but I decided to root for the Packers since its not nice to steal.  So yay, my team won!
Here is McKel watching the football game intently.
Go my favorite sports team!  Make a goal touchdown!


Aubrey Jane said...

One of my very favorite baby items was the AngelCare monitor which has a sensor pad with it that tracks the baby's breathing and movement. This helped me sleep in peace and if I awoke wondering if Aaron was alright I would look at the monitor and make sure the motion light was steadily blinking. Saved me lots of sleep!

Sarah said...

gosh.. I just envy your hair!!! anywho.... what a cute little baby! wanna squish her!!

Kristy said...

When I read your blog I hear your voice in my head, it's awesome. Your right though steeling is wrong, ha ha
p.s. Move to AZ & we can do fun blog inspired projects together!
p.p.s your girls are just so cute!!! (& so is your blog banner!)

Lindsay said...

Glad you are getting more zzz's. I love McKel's hair it's sooooo sooo cute!