Saturday, February 19, 2011

Turn My Heart to Mush

...that's what my family does to me.

I mean, come on... she's just so stinkin cute!
And this little Daddy's Girl loves to shower us with kisses.
I just can't express how much I love these guys.  Throughout each and every day there are countless moments that I think, "oh, that was the sweetest thing ever... save this memory and treasure it."  However, my memory is not exactly photographic... which is why this blog is great.  I can look at cute pics like these and let these moments come back to me and turn my heart to mush all over again.


The Rapp Family said...

So Cute!! Love all your posts. I love the cute things that little Avril says. I loved your foot print Valentine's also. You are an amazing Mommy!!!

Lindsay said...

So sweet.