Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mykell's Birthday Party

Did I misspell my daughters name, you are wondering?  Did she have a birthday already?  Man, they really do grow fast!  No, no, no... this is a different Mykell, not to be confused with our baby McKel.  This Mykell did however, inspire our baby girl's name.

My friend Nichole threw a princess-themed birthday party for her daughter Mykell and we were invited.  Our whole family walked the 3 blocks to their house, since the weather was actually not horrid.  My poor Jesse must've felt terribly out of place at the Princess party.  What a good sport.  The girls all got tutus and necklaces, pink-painted fingernails, and hair makeovers (not Av, I don't think she could sit still long enough for these fancy hair-dos).
Here are some party pics:

Nothing sweeter...

Avril checking out the party scene
Yup, I think I could get in to this princess thing!

What do you mean, the party's not for me?

Mykell, the birthday girl is on the right, and is 5 years old!  She absolutely LOVED opening her presents.