Monday, February 21, 2011


So cute, whether they're...

...Comparing elbows
Sticking things out of their mouths...

Or holding hands...
They love each other so much already!  I just had to take some fun pics while they were all dressed up.  Look at these adorable shoes that our friend Leisa Firth hand made... McKel is wearing them and I think they're just so stinkin' cute!

And here is a little video clip I took after our photo shoot:  I love how McKel keeps tipping over in to Avril... and Avril shows off her counting at the end, as well as the many faces she can make. 


Lindsay said...

Sweet pictures....and i love the shoes.

The Rapp Family said...

Cute Girls. I can't believe how well Avril can already count!! What a smart girl.

deerhollow said...

So glad those shoes fit! Your family is adorable!! Love your blog banner by the way!!