Friday, February 25, 2011

Avril's Birthday Party

Avril was soooooo excited for her birthday party. She kept talking about seeing Uncle Clubbs and Jordan and LoLo and Porter. She also was super excited about her "special" cake, the cookie monster cake.
We decided to have the birthday party at Nana and Papa's house since its much bigger.  Nana was an enormous help.  She made all the food and did the decorations.
Mommy stayed up all night the night before making a slideshow for Avril, and some video clips showing her first two years of life.  Unfortunately, for the life of me, I could NOT get the videos to burn on to a DVD.  I spent countless frustrating hours trying to get the videos to burn so that I could play them at Avril's party.  So... mommy was a little tired and upset but nana came to the rescue and made the cookie monster cake look amazing.  Everything turned out wonderfully, even without my DVD working.  Avril will always have happy memories of her special day.  Here are some pics from the celebration:

 Avril was in heaven, with all her favorite people surrounding her, all the attention on her, and lots of new presents to play with!
 Avril will not stop talking about how cookie monster's head fell off :)  After the party it rolled off backwards.  Maybe it was her kiss that made him head over heals.

A close up of the cookie monster cake

And this little cutie had plenty of people volunteering to hold her during the party

Avril opening some of her presents :)