Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Little Princess Fiona

On December 23, 2008 Avrille was at 30 weeks, 5 days and we got to see her! We made quite the spectacle at the Dr.'s office because I brought the whole family with me. My parents were just driving in to town from Utah and I wanted them to get to see the baby so they came back with Jesse and I... all 4 of us crammed in to the little tiny ultrasound room with Dr. Navi. Now the baby is getting so big she is kind of getting smashed in my little, I mean huge, tummy!

The Dr. said she weighed about 4.1 lbs and normal for this time is about 3.5 lbs so she is a big girl already! Must be all that iron she's sucking from my blood :) The Dr. said she looks good and everything is progressing well so now we just get to wait!

Here is our ultrasound pic from the appointment. Her poor, chubby little face is kind of squished. I couldn't see it at first and felt like Rachel on Friends (if you've seen the episodes where she repeatedly tries to see her baby in the ultrasound and can't see it).

Jesse and I think she looks like a little baby Shrek (and we say that in the most loving way), so we are re-naming her Princess Fiona. What a cute Princess she makes... just hope she's not green when she comes out :)


Erka said...

She is a cutie already! Her little face is adorable!

Kristy said...

Awww, that is a cute picture :) I hope you are feeling better.