Friday, December 19, 2008

Kids say the Darndest Things

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work with a pair of 3 year old autistic kids and I just love them... Well, when I went to see them on Tuesday this week, one of them was trying to get me to crawl through this play tunnel. I told him that I couldn't fit because of the baby in my tummy. He was immediately so intrigued and asked, "you have a baby in your tummy?" I replied, yes, right here (pointing to my baby bump). He then said, "I don't see it!" He grabbed my shirt and tried to look down it for a baby. It was so funny. He then asked me if he had a baby in his tummy. :) I told him no, just me!

Then, yesterday when I went to visit my twins the same twin asked me if I still had a baby in my tummy. I replied that yes, the baby is still in my tummy. Then, the other twin chimed in with the "but I don't see it!" comment. He then asked if the baby was hiding. I replied that yes, the baby is hiding. He then declared, "oh, the baby is playing hide and seek!!!"

It was soooo cute. I had to write about it so I wouldn't forget the cute things they say.


Erka said...

So funny! Aren't little kids the cutest?

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Alicia! (I know I'm a little late) I hope you had a great day!