Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby Update

Haha, I just saw this cartoon and it was just so funny I had to post it. Jesse can certainly relate to this. He hasn't seen it yet so I can't wait to see his reaction when he reads this post. It is so dead on (at least in my case). Jesse gets a good laugh out of the things I cry at. He monitors what shows we watch because he's worried I might cry, even on the happy endings. I think I cried on an episode of Gossip Girls. Yes, I watch that show since I had the flu for a week and needed a TV series to get in to. XOXO, u know u love me :)

Anyway, pregnancy news is nothing too new and exciting. We are just counting down the days now. Its only a couple months now, I can't believe it! The baby kicks a lot more now throughout the day and I can often watch my stomach suddenly expand out of nowhere. I started having very painful contractions in my lower abdomen but they are sporadic and the doc says not to worry unless I have more than 6 or so in an hour, so I'm not gonna worry.

Also, I finally had my dreaded glucose test where you get to drink the very concentrated Pepsi-tasting drink and you only have 5 minutes to get it down. That was harder for me than the drawing of the blood. It didn't taste THAT bad I guess, it just was a lot to swallow and made my head all spinny. I just got the results back and there was good news and bad. The good news was that I do not have have gestational diabetes so I don't have to go back for the 3 hour blood test. The bad news is that I do have a severe iron-deficiency so I am officially anemic. I have all the symptoms and have suspected anemia for months now (especially after my fainting spells) but the nurse told me I tested normal last time and everything I'm experiencing is normal during pregnancy. I told her that I really think I'm anemic and she insisted that I'm fine. Anyway, the point of that story was that I was RIGHT! Ah, so satisfying. I just have to take iron supplements so the baby doesn't keep stealing all my blood and all my iron stores. She must be like a little baby Iron-girl. That's ok, I'd give up all my metallic substances for her :)


Anonymous said...

Geez girl! Your really going through a rough pregnancy. I mean, fainting spells?! I hope it gets better soon.

Erka said...

Oh, I am so sorry you are anemic!
I was too, really bad! It's so funny how simmilar our pregnancies have been! The pill should fix everything just fine! If you find it too hard to swallow, then just cut it in half and take it that way! Good luck, Ali, you are going to start feeling a lot better in a few days!

K Risser said...

Sorry to hear you are anemic. It's not fun. I have had a low iron count from the very start of all my pregnancies, so I have tried all the different supplements and iron rich foods. I hope they help, did the nurse tell you to avoid calcium (dairy, supplements, etc.) 30 min. before and after you take iron? Calcium blocks iron absorption and vitamin C increases absorption (something I wish the Doctor told me the first time I was pregnant) :) I hope you feel better soon, just think, less than three months to go!!!