Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Montana

As long as Jesse and I have known each other, he's been talking about visiting his family in Montana. Finally we found the time to make it up there, and I'm so glad we did! It was so nice to get to meet all the cousins, aunts, and uncles. We had a DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner, and felt so welcomed and loved. I can see why Jesse likes them so much :)
The plane trip from Burbank to Billings was incredibly pricey so we opted for the part fly/ part drive option. We flew in to Salt Lake City, quickly visited family in Logan, then took off for the 8 hour drive with Shelby. Shelby was kind enough to let us use his car for the trip. Luckily, the weather was beautiful with no storms so we arrived safely.
On Thanksgiving day Jesse and Shelby got up and played football in the annual Turkey Bowl. I am going to brag a little and say that my husband made 3 of the 4 touchdowns. But alas, they lost to the old guys somehow. I wish my camera had been working to get some action pics :(
Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of everyone. My camera battery only likes to last for a few shots so here's what we got:

At Aunt Suze and Uncle Dick's place. We got to stay in their beautiful home :)

Jesse with his cousin Annie. They were sooooo happy to see each other...

Shelby and his Grandma

Shelby stole my camera and took some pictures with it. Here he is with his cousin Annie....

...and here with his Aunt Star.

Aunt Star took us shopping at the Hobby Lobby and the Cracker Barrel where we looked for some great after Thanksgiving sales. I bought some letters to paint and hang on the wall in our little girl's nursery and some scrapbooking supplies. Jesse took a pic of me being a goof ball.

We got all packed and ready to drive back to Utah and as we started to drive off we noticed there was a major problem. The tire was completely flat. Here is my handy husband putting the spare on. Turns out the tire needed replacing. We went to a lovely church service with the family, picked up a tire on the way home, and off we went on our road trip back.

Back in Logan the next day... we had to fly out that night so we crammed all kinds of errands in to one day. While dining with grandma and grandpa Parkinson at the Sizzler, Ina stopped by with quite the surprise! Look at all the cute little girl clothes! Thank you Ina :), and much thanks from our little one too, I'm sure she'll love wearing these.

Since we can't make it back up to Utah for my birthday and Christmas this December, we celebrated early and fit a mini birthday party in to our jam-packed day. My mom made this yummy pineapple cake for me with 3 candles.... I think its for 23, maybe? :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to the over 30 club! Looks like you two are globe trotters. :) Glad you two had a fantastic holiday.

How come you cover your belly in all the shots? You probably are the cutest pregnant mommy and your hiding it! lol

Kristy said...

It looks like you had a great trip & a fun early birthday too!
So if you get to be 23 do I get to be 22!? Sounds great to me :)

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Fun stuff! You look amazing! Talk about pregnancy glow! Glad you had a great holiday! Happy early birthday!

Erka said...

Great trip! I love Thanksgiving with family! Isn't shopping for little girls stuff so much fun?
Happy early Birthday and congrats on turning 23! I have been on my "twenties" for almost three years now! I think I am going to stay there for a couple more years, until my husband turns 30!
Ha ha ha!