Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

This year I was kind of dreading my birthday because I am no longer in my youthful twenties. I was born on Dec. 21, 1978. Since it is now Dec. 21, 2008 if you do the math, I guess that makes me 30? It really wasn't so bad turning the big 3-0. I am so grateful because I really have everything I ever wanted. I have a wonderful husband and we are starting our family with a baby girl soon! I am so happy :)

Anyway, I got lots of pampering and lots of comfy clothes. Just what a pregnant lady needs. It was just the hubby and I celebrating my bday. I opened my presents throughout the day, and just got a day off to relax, which was fantastic! The day started with a yummy pancake breakfast, a trip to church, a lunch out, a nap, homemade dinner, a nice long massage, and of course the unwrapping of gifts.

This was my new comfy outfit that Jesse gave me. As you can see, there is a lovely matching ensemble for the infant. I also got super soft slippers, socks, pajama pants, and a shirt that actually fits! It was a wonderful day. Thank you Jesse! You're pretty fun to grow old with :)
Happy Birthday to me!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the 30 club!

Erka said...

Happy Birthday Ali!
I love the matching outfits!
Jesse is such a nice husband, I think you should keep him! :)

Barbi Mecham said...

Hey, don't worry, I turned 30 this year also and it has been a fabulous year. So glad to see you two happy.

Lindsey said...

Hooray for Birthdays!!! Hope you had a splendid birthday!!! AND seriously, your little tummy is DARLING!!!