Sunday, December 19, 2010

Plenty of Love to Go Around

I was worried that Avril would feel attention starved with a new little one around for Mommy to take care of.  Luckily, I have a lot of friends and family members who have helped out to make sure that Avril gets the attention she needs.  She seems to be adjusting to the changes very well.

Avril's first encounter with Santa.  Santa came to Jesse's work Christmas party at the Fun Park.  Avril followed Santa out of the room when he left, shouting, "Santa, Santa!"  She tried to follow him in to his changing room which would've spoiled the Santa novelty at way too early of an age.
While Mommy was in labor with McKel, Avril got to hang out with her friends Porter and Mykell Rich, at their house for awhile.  Looks like they were having fun!
Avril has enjoyed seeing all the new baby things in the house.  Too bad she is just too big now and will break them!
Avril was recently invited to a kids Christmas Party.  She came home with some new crafts that she'd made, like the necklace she's wearing and the Christmas tree below:
We put her beautiful tree up on the fridge, for all to see :)
What a fun party!!  Thanks Nichole, for inviting Avril to come :)
Papa Spencer has been so nice to help out and spend time with little Av.
Even Chubbs stopped by to play.  Bubble time!
Grandma Carme got this fancy tent for Avril and Papa Spencer put it together for Av to play in.  She loved it :)
She just keeps us smiling!


Erka said...

So nice you guys have family and friends around to come play with Avril! I am glad she's adjusting well. That is truly a blessing!