Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just Some Cute Pics

I just stole this pic from my parents' blog cuz I thought it was so cute!  Love this girl.
On our first family outing since baby McKel came, of all places we went out to K-Mart.  Mommy needed to buy some stocking stuffers before it was too late.  Avril had a blast playing in these belts, and trying on hats.  Thank goodness for cameras on phones so I could capture these cute pics.
Oh so happy :)
And this is one of my all time fave daddy-daughter shots.  Matching hats!  Since dada isn't in school right now or working his on-campus job, he gets to spend lots more time with us.  What a treat!  Avril is becoming such a daddy's girl.  These two have a blast together.
I should've taken more McKel pics but honestly this is what she does most all day so its not too exciting. Zzzzzz....
Oh yeah, and it was my birthday (21st).  We celebrated with family and delicious homemade food.  Thanks Grandma Gayle!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this guy!  He made my birthday AMAZING... He bought me a purse that he heard me say I thought was cute months ago... plus got me two 1-hour massages at the Sports Academy, plus a car thingy for my keychain to lock/unlock the doors since I was complaining about not having one, plus got me my favorite candy- Junior Mints, plus took me out just the two of us to Takara Sushi!  What a man.  Thanks love.
Jesse also gave the kids baths last night.  I walked in to find Avril like this.  Haha Dada just makes everything fun.  Adorable! :)