Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life With Baby McKel

Love this cutie pie face
Bath time!
All clean!
I know I probably shouldn't always compare... but baby McKel makes parenting seem a breeze, compared to taking care of baby Avril.  We could never get Avril to sleep as a baby.  I remember bouncing her and taking turns with Jesse, walking her all around the house trying to get her to doze off.  She also had bad acid reflux and would spit up constantly, poor thing.  Yes, we love her to pieces but she was super high maintenance.  She still doesn't sleep.  If Avril takes a nap during the day, that is a good day.  She is just a fighter when it comes to sleep.

On the other hand... baby McKel will sleep through anything, and I seriously think she sleeps for 20 out of 24 hours in the day.  I just watch as she tries to hold those little eyelids up and they must be super heavy because she just can't seem to keep those eyes open.  It is so precious.  Last night I was even able to change her messy diaper while she slept through the whole thing!  McKel also hardly ever fusses or spits up.  She lets you bathe her and change her without crying.  If she cries, she can easily be soothed in a minute or two.  It is amazing to me.  We won the baby lottery with this one.  She is just a doll.  Though its only been a little over a week, we are crazy about this little cutie pie.

A few of the things we love about McKel:
  • She makes the cutest little grunting noises when she is eating
  • She pulls all kinds of hilarious faces while she sleeps.  She'll go from smiling to frowny face to mad face.  I can just sit and watch her cute faces forever.
  • She has the most pleasant disposition.  She is always so mellow and content.
  • Her cute little double chin
  • Her perfect Gerber baby chubby cheeks
  • Her scrawny, totally disproportionate little legs.  She is a big baby with tiny, cute little toothpick legs.  Haha... daddy thinks this is his fault.  I think its kinda both our faults.
  • Her little dark curls that stick straight up on top of her head.
  • Her ability to sleep through anything.
 Here is a video I made showing McKel sleeping.  I know, sounds boring but I wanted to show some of the faces she pulls in her sleep.


Lindsay said...

Wow, she is sooo sooo cute. I am glad it went so much better this time. She and Avril will be such good friends. She seems to have a much different look than avril. Do you think so? She is super sweet. Can't wait to meet her in person.