Saturday, December 25, 2010


One thing Alicia wanted for Christmas was a blog post from someone other than her.  I tried to get Avril to comply with this request, but she somehow ended up watching Elmo's World on YouTube while drinking her morning coffee.  I swear that girl knows more than we give her credit for.  Anyway, the point of the story is that I am the one writing the first of numerous holiday posts this December.
This year is the first year we will be celebrating Christmas as a family of four (as most of you know).  Two kids, to two adults.  That means that we can no longer double team, or at least tag team our hyperactive (almost) two year old.  I wondered how we would handle Avril with the addition to the family and came up with no feasible solution.  Lucky, God really does not give us more than we can handle, and gave us a baby that sleeps for the majority of the day. 
Avril is very good with baby McKel.  She can often be found kissing and patting McKel's head and face.  Avril loves to show McKel the movie Monster's Inc.  She also is helpful with getting diapers and wipes for McKel when mommy or daddy is changing her diaper.
i especially have been lucky to have McKel enter our family.  First and foremost, I have another very pretty daughter to look forward to raising.  Second, I have got to spend extra quality time with Avril and use my behavior modification skills to turn her into a daddy's girl.  We have checked out all the fast-food play places in Logan since those are the prime places to play outside the house during winter.
I definitely could not have done any daddy duties without Alicia.  She is a natural momma (although that does not mean we are or should have more kids any time soon).  She can always calm a crying baby by singing, rocking, or feeding.  Though I have done my best to transform Avril into a daddy's girl there is nothing like a mother's warmth and compassion when Avril bangs her head or scrapes her elbow. Plus, let's face it, our kids wouldn't be nearly as pretty without her genetic input.  What a momma.