Monday, December 27, 2010

McKel's 2 Week Photos

On Christmas Eve we had some newborn pics taken at our house with McKel.  We love this photographer, she does such a great job.  Here are some photos from her blog where she gave us a "sneak peak."  Click on the link:

This last photo I snapped with my own camera so its not very professional-looking, but cute nonetheless. 

We can't quite figure out who McKel looks like.  She has a very different look from Avril.  My prediction is that she'll have curly blond hair and light blue eyes.  So far I don't see much of Jesse or myself in her looks-wise either, but that will probably change soon.  She is such a cutie pie and she has already totally stolen our hearts.

At McKel's 2-week Dr.'s appt, here were her stats:
Weight:  9 lbs. 5 oz.  (86% ile)
Height:  22 inches (95% ile)

Still a big girl!


Lindsay said...

Way cute. I just love her hair.