Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve
We spent Christmas Eve at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house with our cousins/aunt & uncle (Robert and Tracine Parkinson's family).  We ate a pancake dinner, opened presents, and sang Christmas songs.  We had a great time being with family at this wonderful time of year.  We can't forget why we celebrate Christmas, so we read the scripture about the birth of our Savior.  We are so grateful for all our many many blessings.  We love that McKel got to join us for the holidays this year.  She was just up in heaven a short time ago and now she gets to join in our family fun :)

Here are the 3 Spencer Parkinsons.  Yes, we had 3 Spencer Parkinsons there that night.  They are each holding up their # sign.

Avril enjoyed reading her books...

...And of course, playing with all the dolls and Great Grandma & Grandpa's house
Everyone singing Christmas songs
Aunt Tracine and Uncle Robert.  They were fighting over who got to hold the sweet, sleeping McKel angel.

How do you get this bow off Mama?  "Help you."  Avril says this, meaning "Help me."

Christmas Day
Our first Christmas as a family of four!  How exciting.  Plus, this is the first Christmas that Avril is old enough to get excited and really enjoy her presents.  Mommy and Dada just couldn't wait to see the look on Avril's face when she opened her gifts.  We just love making that little cute girl smile.  Can you blame us?

Avril had to stop and play with each toy before moving on to unwrap the next present.  This was a gift from Papa Bryan.  So much fun!

Christmas morning :)
Avril had soooo much fun opening her presents!  She even started opening other people's presents :)
After we finished opening the presents at our house, we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for more presents galore!
McKel's shirt from Papa Bryan says:  My 1st Christmas.  Check our her cool socks!  So adorable :)
Uncle JJ holding his cutie pie niece
Nana and McKel

After some of the snow melted the next day, Dada took Avril out to play on her new Hello Kitty car.  This was a gift that Dada picked out all by himself to surprise Avril on Christmas day.  It was so cute, how excited he was to give it to her.  Even mommy didn't know about it.  Wow, sometimes Dada shocks me with his good taste in gifts :)
Daddy and his girl.  Totally precious.
