Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
This Turkey Day was spent up at our Grandma and Grandpa Parkinson's (Spencer and Joyce) house and it could not have been tastier.  Mmmm!  We were planning on having it at my parents' house but my dad (the other Spencer) came down with some kind of flu bug and was very sick :(
My dad's sister, Nancy Muncy and her whole clan drove up from California.  This was a special treat, especially for Avril because she took an immediate liking to Lizzie, the youngest girl (age 11).  All week long, while the Muncy's have been here, Avril has been constantly asking to play with Lizzie.  A very pregnant Mommy was also very appreciative of Avril's new playmate so she could get some things done and rest a little.
Avril and Lizzie playing with the dollies at Grandma's house downstairs.  It was pure heaven for Avril!
I forgot to take pictures of the food, but my mom did take a picture of her delicious marshmallow yam dish.  This is a favorite of mine.  We also got to have Jesse's dad come and eat with us.  Good times!  Bottom right:  Nancy, Gayle, and Grandma P. working in the kitchen.
People here are just relaxing after the delicious meal.  Bottom right:  the Muncy family, minus Stephanie who is currently serving a mission.  It was so great to be around family and fill up on yumminess on Thanksgiving Day.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful families.
 Made me smile :)