Friday, November 26, 2010

Any Guesses?

I just wanted to do a quick post for fun to see when people think our Baby Girl Yarger #2 will arrive.  Yes, she remains nameless.  Jesse and I cannot seem to agree on a name at all.  He even posted a reward on his facebook status for $20 if you can come up with a name that we both like and decide to use.  Its been a dilemma for the past 9 months and now we're running out of time!

Anyway, post comments with your guesses for an Estimated Time of Arrival, Birth Weight, and Length.

P.S.  Avril was born 2 days early, weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long, just in case you'd like to use this info to help you with your guess.
Baby Girl Yarger #2 due date:  December 9th

Thanks for playing!


Lindi said...

I dont know when the due date is, but i'll guess Dec 5th. 7lbs 11oz 20 inches. Name- Aleah or Leah.
I hope all goes well. Cant wait to hear.

The Rapp Family said...

Dec. 6th 8 lbs.6 oz. (unfortunately they are supposed to get bigger each time, but I hope she really isn't that big for your laboring sake!) 20 1/2 inches long. I like the name Soel.

Lindsay said...

December 4th. 8lbs 4 oz, 21 inches. :) Good luck with everything. I keep thinking about you and wondering when she'll come. I like the name it worth $20? :)

ASP+AEP=Parkinson Family said...

Hi Sis & Bro! ;) I think abt 8 lbs 1 oz & arrive 12/21 ..I know yeah rt! lol Me & Arleen thought of these names (don't laugh!):
1) Savannah (2) Rosalie (3) Renesme (4) Siobhan (5) Car/Kara *Let us know whatcha think heehee

Lindy Salmon said...

Hmmm, let's hope you go early, on Friday Dec 3 and have a smaller baby :) 7lbs 6 oz, 20 inches long. We are partial to the names Anya and Austria for some reason . . . You look great and Avril is a doll!

Alycia said...

Dec 6, 7 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches long. I really like the name Taya. I hope I win with my guess! Good luck with everything! Can't wait to meet her.