Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Snow!

How exciting!  The first snow of the season arrived this past Sunday.  Avril probably does not remember last season's snow so to her this was all brand new.  It was such a precious moment to see the joy on Avril's face and her little gleeful giggle when she looked out the window to see snow!  She remembered seeing a snowman in one of her books so she kept on saying, "snowman!  snowman!"

We decided to bundle Avril up and let her play for awhile.  I even convinced Jesse and his friend Steve to make a snowman!  What fun :)

Avril watching her dada rolling a big ball of snow.  I took this pic from our upstairs bedroom window.
Ask football players to make a snowman and they take it very seriously.  Only BIG snowballs will do!
Dada and daughter enjoying the snow!
I'm not sure if her thumbs are really pointing in those directions.  She was also wearing a hat... I think its somewhere buried in the snow.
So cute!  I think that may be frozen drool on her chin...
Avril takes a seat on Dada's mega snowball
Jesse and Steve with their masterpiece snowman and their corn-cob pipes, made out of snow!


Andrew Cardon said...

Looks like Avril had a blast! I bet the Criss Angel show was really fun. I have seen him on TV a few times and he has some pretty amazing tricks!