Tuesday, November 16, 2010


... something to remind me to be grateful for being pregnant... as this baby keeps kicking me in the ribs, causing my back to ache, insomnia, joint pain, etc. etc. etc.  The end is getting so difficult, but sooooo exciting and so worth it!

23 days to go!  The doc thinks probably less.  As of last Friday I am 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  I really am so grateful for this miraculous blessing.  I feel incredibly blessed to have such an amazing little family that will very soon grow to include a new tiny little angel.

P.S.  Thank you to my brother Jared (Uncle JJ) for helping me with all my computer needs.  I finally was able to redo the blog design with his help.  We love you JJ!!


Erka said...

Very nice quote. It was good for me to be reminded of those things.
Wow, your new baby girl will be here so soon! I am curious who she will look like. With Avril, I'd say she's mostly you with Jesse's eyes.

Lindsay said...

Good luck! I can't wait to see her! I am sure she'll be another cutie just like her big sister!