Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Avril at 21 Months

Today was picture day!  We went to the photo studio to have some pics taken of Avril.  She is now exactly 21 months old... just 3 months shy of being 2, which is a good age to be a big sis we think!  I will post some pics from the photo session when we get our order back, but until then, I still have plenty of cute Avril pics to post!
We also took some family pics of our little family, before it expands to become a not so little family :)  We wanted to make them Fall photos but Mother Nature had different plans for us, so we took snow pics instead.  Our talented photographer was Grandma Gayle.  Thanks Mom!  Love you...
 These are some shots of Avril playing at the playland, all dolled up before her photo session.  So cute!
Looking adorable once again at Nana and Papa's house before Nana took our family pics
This is the puppet we used to try to get Avril to smile for the camera.  She giggles and introduces herself to puppet girl, gives her a hug, and then proceeds to give her a great big kiss right in the mouth!  Not sure how successful our smile for the camera technique was...
Uncle JJ stops by for a visit
And doesn't it look fantastic?

Avril wanted to blow dry her hair...

Sis and Bro pose for a photo.
Avril thought she'd accompany us with her piano
Hmm... should I play Twinkle Twinkle or Old MacDonald?

She found a horsey to play with.  Avril loves horseys!
Playing with toys in Mommy's old bedroom at Nana and Papa's house
And after a long day of photo taking and playing, Avril sits down to watch some Elmo's World, while holding her very own Elmo.  She is kinda obsessed. You can see she watches very intently.  We love you Avril!  Happy 21 months!  What a joy Avril is  :)