Friday, November 12, 2010

Birthday Magic

November 10th marks a very special day.  That is the day my hubby was brought in to this world.  That's right, Happy Birthday Jesse!!  You may not know this about Jesse, but he is a magician in training.  He absolutely LOVES learning magic tricks, and is a huge Criss Angel loyal.  I have always wanted to take him to see Criss Angel live at the Luxor in Las Vegas.  Since this might be our last chance to get away before a new little one arrives, I booked the tickets and we made the trip to Vegas baby!
The show was absolutely amazing.  There were levitation tricks, disappearing acts, all kinds of things that make your mind freak!
If you are not familiar with Criss Angel, here is a video of one of his most famous tricks, walking on water.  We did not get to see this one (kinda hard to get a pool on stage I guess) but we saw many other seemingly impossible tricks.

Here is the brochure from our Criss Angel Cirque du Soleil show

Since we'd driven ALL the way to Vegas and stayed at the Luxor Hotel, we decided to check out the Bodies exhibit the next morning.  This was very fascinating.  There were all kinds of interesting facts there.  Did you know that cells from a baby can stay in the mommy for like 5 years after the baby is born?  That means there are still little Avril cells in me!!  Just one of the many facts that intrigued me.  I highly recommend this exhibit if you have a chance to see it.

I didn't get a chance to take many pics of our trip since it was a quickie and I was too busy trying to enjoy our time away, but here are a couple:

This was the longest Avril and mommy have ever been away from each other.  Mommy was very worried about how Avril would do for two whole days away.  Grandma and Grandpa Parkinson watched her and said she did amazing.  We missed our precious angel girl though.  Jesse couldn't wait to get a big birthday hug and kiss from his little cutie pie when we returned :)


Kandi said...

I too am a BIG fan of Criss Angel! And Jeff and I have been talking about trying to get to Vegas to see his show. We probably won't be able to do it before the baby comes. Btw, what you guys having do you know?