Sunday, October 18, 2009

Presenting... Mr. & Mrs. Walker!

This past weekend we got to go see my dear former roommate, Lindsey Davis, transform in to Lindsey Walker! She looked amazing and we are soooooo excited for her and her new hubby!

Note: this pic was stolen from Lindsey's blog. I apologize for the digital photo theft and hope you can forgive me, Linds. Note again: this pic was taken in Seattle, not Mt. Timpanogos, where official wedding occurred.

Here are a few pics taken right before we took the drive down...

So you want me to sit here and be good, and not mess up my dress? What about my bracelet? Do I have to keep it on?

Oh, good... at least they're letting me play with my dolly. Can I pet her?

What a boring doll, she doesn't even have any hair to rip out.

I'd rather show off my crawling skills and get some much needed attention...

It worked! Suckers... haha! :)

Grandpa, what do you expect me to do with these? I can't even reach the gas pedal.

Grandpa snaps a family photo shot before we head off to Mt. Timpanogos.

Avril meets up with an old pal, Madison. Poor Madi had a cold :(

What a smokin' hot bride! :) Congrats Linds!! We love you!!

 The Bride and Groom

All of Lindsay's bridesmaids.  This is no joke!

It was quite cold outside, and poor Avril has nothing on her feet! Before you judge... we are not bad parents. She did have tights and shoes on in the car ride down. However, there was a major catastrophe of the poo kind and upon arrival, we had to dash to the bathroom for an emergency change. The result was a cleaner, but less warm Avril. Her tights and undershirt are in the wash as I type this, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Spray 'N Wash works its magic, resulting in stain-free whitey tighties. :)


trevor and keesa said...

ahhh....our hubby's look so cute with their girls:) it was fun to see, can't wait till next time when madi is better and avril hasn't pooped everywhere

Aubrey Jane said...

I love your photo commentary, you all look fantastic!