Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look Mom! I Can Stand!

Yesterday when I went to get Avril from her crib, she was standing up and leaning over the railing. We need to figure out how to adjust the crib soon because I worry that she'll be able to get out soon. That will be Jesse's job... I have no idea how to do that.
In this video I am standing in the bathtub, prompting her to pull herself up to standing position and she actually obeys me! :)


Karen said...

SHe is growing up so fast!!!

Erka said...

Wow, look at you Avril, such a big girl!

Kristy said...

Oh my goodness she is growing up way too fast!!!
I was watching this video while holding Cali and she was screaming and kicking with excitement it was so cute! I guess Cali wants to play with Avril :)